
IBM [11H8003] SCSI Controller Card for PC Servers

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46C566DB-4644-460E-8DA7-038C0B9646AB E06A9D60-42A9-4459-8131-FA3002495928

Key Features:

  • SCSI Interface: The IBM 11H8003 SCSI Controller Card is equipped with a SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) interface, which allows for the connection of SCSI devices, such as hard drives, tape drives, and CD/DVD drives.
  • Compatibility: Designed specifically for IBM PC Servers, this controller card is tailored to work seamlessly with IBM server systems, ensuring reliable compatibility and performance.
  • High Data Transfer Rates: The SCSI interface offers high data transfer rates, making it suitable for high-speed data storage and retrieval operations.
  • Data Redundancy: Some SCSI controller cards, including this one, may support RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) configurations, which enhance data redundancy and system reliability.
  • Driver and Firmware Support: IBM typically provides driver and firmware support for their server hardware components, ensuring ease of installation and system management.


  • Data Storage and Retrieval: The SCSI controller card facilitates efficient data storage and retrieval, making it ideal for servers with data-intensive tasks.
  • Server Compatibility: Being specifically designed for IBM PC Servers, it offers a high level of compatibility and integration with IBM server systems.
  • High Data Throughput: The high data transfer rates of SCSI technology are essential for data-intensive applications, improving overall system performance.
  • Data Redundancy: If supporting RAID configurations, it enhances data redundancy and fault tolerance, reducing the risk of data loss.
  • Support and Updates: IBM typically provides ongoing support and updates for their hardware components, ensuring the longevity and reliability of their server systems.

The IBM 11H8003 SCSI Controller Card is a valuable component for IBM PC Servers, particularly when it comes to data-intensive operations, compatibility with IBM servers, and data redundancy for enhanced system reliability.

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