C058910A122A - Cambium - ePMP 3000L 5GHz Access Point
C058910A122A - Cambium - ePMP 3000L 5GHz Access Point$558.99$454.46 -
C068940A122B - Cambium - ePMP 4600 6GHz Wireless Access Point FCC
C068940A122B - Cambium - ePMP 4600 6GHz Wireless Access Point FCC$1,825.33$1,484.01 -
MX-EX1010PxA-1 - Cambium - Networks cnMatrix PoE+ Switch
MX-EX1010PxA-1 - Cambium - Networks cnMatrix PoE+ Switch$503.50$409.35 -
MX-EX1028PxA-1 - Cambium - Networks cnMatrix EX1028-P Switch
MX-EX1028PxA-1 - Cambium - Networks cnMatrix EX1028-P Switch$1,019.78$829.09 -
MX-EX2010PxA-U - Cambium - Networks cnMatrix EX2010-P Switch
MX-EX2010PxA-U - Cambium - Networks cnMatrix EX2010-P Switch$1,143.25$929.47 -
MX-EX2010xxA-U - Cambium - cnMatrix 8 1G and 2 SFP Switch
MX-EX2010xxA-U - Cambium - cnMatrix 8 1G and 2 SFP Switch$633.04 -
MX-EX2028PxA-U - Cambium - Networks cnMatrix EX2028-P Switch
MX-EX2028PxA-U - Cambium - Networks cnMatrix EX2028-P Switch$2,130.21$1,731.88 -
MX-EX2028PxB-U - Cambium - Networks cnMatrix Intelligent Ethernet PoE Switch
MX-EX2028PxB-U - Cambium - Networks cnMatrix Intelligent Ethernet PoE Switch$1,893.54$1,539.46 -
MXCRPSAC1200A0 - Cambium - Networks CRPS AC 1200W Power Supply for - Cambium - Networks cnmatrix EX2000 Series Switch
MXCRPSAC1200A0 - Cambium - Networks CRPS AC 1200W Power Supply for - Cambium - Networks cnmatrix EX2000 Series Switch$915.52 -
MXCRPSAC600A0 - Cambium - CRPS AC 600W Power Supply for Cnmatrix Switch
MXCRPSAC600A0 - Cambium - CRPS AC 600W Power Supply for Cnmatrix Switch$558.33 -
MXCRPSAC930A0 - Cambium - CRPS AC 930W Power Supply for CnMatrix Switch
MXCRPSAC930A0 - Cambium - CRPS AC 930W Power Supply for CnMatrix Switch$775.25 -
MXCRPSDC1200A0 - Cambium - Networks 1.20 KW Power Supply for CnMatrix EX2000 Series Switch
MXCRPSDC1200A0 - Cambium - Networks 1.20 KW Power Supply for CnMatrix EX2000 Series Switch$1,546.70